With Gatton's M.S. in accounting degree you will:

  • improve communication and technology skills expected in the accounting profession,
  • gain valuable knowledge about the accounting profession,
  • develop leadership and teamwork skills especially in researching accounting issues, and
  • enhance your creative problem-solving skills and your ability to think logically and analytically.

Accounting continues to be recognized as one of the world's leading professions. Numerous companies conduct on-campus interviews because our graduates are known for their excellent work ethic, knowledge base, and willingness to contribute. Von Allmen School of Accountancy students are a primary source of talent for all of the international, national, regional, and local CPA firms and corporations.

Over 90% of our graduates who sit for all parts of the CPA exam, pass all four parts of the CPA exam in the year of graduation.

With a MSACC degree, you will be world-ready: ready for today's changing business world and ready to become part of the next generation of global business leaders.