Colleges that offer an option at are:

  • College of Agriculture, Food & Environment
  • College of Arts & Sciences
  • Gatton College of Business & Economics
  • College of Communication & Information
  • College of Education
  • College of Engineering
  • College of Fine Arts
  • College of Health Sciences
  • College of Social Work

Each college has specific admission and entrance requirements. Students should contact the college for more information regarding the exploratory studies option. 

Each Exploratory Studies option allows you to actively engage in major and career exploration while taking courses that count toward graduation. 

You can also work with an advisor in the James B. Stuckert Career Center to discover your personal, educational, and career goals to help you choose a major that’s right for you. Through assessments and individual appointments, you will gain a better understanding of your interests, abilities, and behavioral preferences.

Major and career fairs, internships, or experiential opportunities will allow you to explore majors and careers to help you clarify and articulate your academic and career plans.