Horticulture, Plant & Soil Sciences graduates at the have the technical and scientific skills as well as the communication, computational, leadership, and interpersonal capabilities necessary to function effectively as professionals.

What you'll study:

You may select one of four areas of emphasis in the Horticulture, Plant and Soil Science program.

  • Crops and Livestock – emphasizes the intersections between the crop and livestock industries. Graduates find their niche in agricultural extension or livestock and crop consulting, farm management, and production agriculture, or agricultural supply business.
  • Crop, Soil and Horticulture Science--emphasizes coursework in botany, plant physiology and horticulture science as well as an undergraduate research experience
  • Horticultural Enterprise Management – emphasizes horticultural production and business skills. Careers include managing nurseries, greenhouses or fruit/vegetable enterprises; installing and maintaining ornamental plants; and managing botanical gardens.
  • Turfgrass Science – emphasizes the science and business aspects of intensively managed grass plantings. Graduates are employed in golf course management, the commercial lawn care industry, and the management of turf fields for other sports.

We grow careers:

Horticulture, Plant and Soil Sciences provides students with the knowledge and skills needed for a career in the production and management of plants and soils for food, fiber, forage, oil, recreation, landscaping and the enhancement of the human environment. Graduates have the technical and scientific skills as well as the communication, computational, leadership, and interpersonal capabilities necessary to function effectively as professionals.

  • Retail Horticulture
  • Horticulture Education
  • Horticulture Research
  • Horticulture Consulting
  • Recreational Facilities
  • Governmental Agencies, Leadership, Policy, Management
  • International Agricultural Development
  • Agribusiness Sales