CET students take courses in properties of construction materials, blueprint reading, surveying, applied structural design, highway technology, land development, and hydraulics.

Our Civil Engineering Technology students also learn by designing and racing concrete canoes, designing and constructing rocket launch pads, competing in a national bidding competition every year in Reno NV, and building bridges in other countries!

Civil engineering technology utilizes the application of engineering fundamentals and basic mathematics to implement current civil engineering practices in design, construction, and project management. Civil engineering technologists, graduates of four-year baccalaureate programs, are a distinct type of professional whose interests and education have become focused on both current practice and technical innovations in civil engineering.

As a result they are found in design firms using steel, reinforced concrete, soil, and timber for design of buildings, transportation systems, water and wastewater systems, manufacturing facilities, utilities, and housing. They also work for contractors and constructors in the areas of estimating, scheduling, and project management. Positions are available in laboratory and testing firms as inspectors and soil technologists.The civil engineering technologist may be summarized as one whose preparation is in applied science, applied mathematics, applied engineering principle, and established design practices.

The demand for new, improved transportation systems, housing, schools, water and wastewater facilities, utilities, agricultural methods, and commercial facilities due to the expanding population should provide challenging careers using new materials, new design criteria, and new construction methods to meet these demands.