The program allows a student to pursue graduate studies in areas such as food microbiology, meat science and food chemistry, human nutrition and metabolism, food product development, and community nutrition. Entering students will choose research programs and will work with faculty members from the appropriate curricula.

The Departments are housed in modern facilities. A meat processing laboratory, sensory evaluation rooms, experimental kitchens, and a variety of modern facilities for research involving small animals and human subjects are available in the buildings.

Major laboratory instruments including high performance liquid chromatographs, electrophoresis equipment, densitometers, gas chromatographs, ultracentrifuges, scintillation counters, differential scanning calorimeters and histological equipment as well as computer terminals are available in each building.

Other major equipment items at the University of Wyoming include transmission and scanning electron microscopes, mass spectrophotometers, oligopeptide synthesizers, amino acid sequencers, atomic absorption spectrophotometers, and physiographs.