• Introduction to Mass Media - An overview of mass media, newspapers, magazines, books, radio, television and films. Studies mass media's historical development, emphasizing understanding techniques of expression and impact on American culture. Surveys content of mass media; considers contemporary problems and trends. (Offered fall and spring semesters)
  • Communication and Civic Engagement - Designed to complement a course from another discipline by engaging students in civic discourse within that context. Students identify issues, study related rhetorical strategies, determine target audiences and develop communication with a venue and target audience to be determined by the class.
  • Interpersonal Communication - Focuses on interpersonal communication settings or face-to-face interaction. Basic unit of study is, therefore, the dyad. Also includes some work in small group settings. (Offered fall and spring semesters)
  • Introduction to Human Communication - Introduces theories and research of social and behavioral scientists on communication process. Orients beginning communication students by focusing on concepts and issues central to human communication. (Normally offered fall and spring semesters)
  • Public Speaking - Beginning public speaking course. Students will develop foundational oral, digital and writing communication skills. Emphasizes message construction, performance and critique in public communication settings. Includes speech preparation, listening, audience analysis, writing strategies, digital communication, critical thinking, language/nonverbal behavior and various speaking formats.?