By visiting us, you will? know that the Bachelor of General Studies degree provides a?chance for you to really explore your passions and get the education you?want by customizing your curriculum. Instead of a one-size-fits-all degree, you can use your time in University College to create your own unique education experience.

o you not fit the mold for other degree programs offered on campus?

We seek to meet your unique needs as a student. Perhaps, for a variety of reasons, you may benefit from a degree of flexibility and curriculum enrichment not found in other programs offered by the University.?

Our degree program provides special appeal to independent minded students, mature students returning to college with new interests, those of you who are changing your major late in your academic career, and those of you attending school at night or irregularly. Our mission is to keep you in college and facilitate your personal investment in coursework which meets your specific career endeavors.? Freshmen can major in General Studies with permission of the Dean of University College.

A Bachelor of General Studies is an inter-disciplinary degree - in that, you are given the opportunity to explore different disciplines, different majors, minors, concentrations, groups of subjects, whatever you may choose to name it. Simply put, as a student in University College, all subject matter that is offered on campus is available to you, to one degree or another.?