The Master of Architecture, Advanced Placement (AP), and Master of Architecture, Post-professional (PP) programs at the University of Tennessee received a full 8-year accreditation as a result of its last NAAB accreditation review. Post-professional degrees are not reviewed for accreditation.

The School of Architecture offers three curricular paths leading to the Master of Architecture degree.

  • The Master of Architecture program is a 3.5-year professional degree program for students who already hold a bachelor's degree in another field other than architecture.
  • Master of Architecture, Advanced Placement (MArch AP) is a two-year path in the professional degree program for students with a 4-year pre-professional bachelor's degree in architecture in which students are placed in upper level coursework based on previously completed coursework in a pre-profession.
  • The Master Architecture, Post-Professional (MArch PP)is a 3-semester post-professional degree for students who have already earned an accredited professional degree in architecture, and who seek to develop an area of specialization.