The determination of which option a student may undertake is made by the student's graduate committee and is based on the student's personal interests, academic background, and work experience, as well as the nature of projects currently available in the department. A thesis project requires the student to conduct independent, in-depth research.?

An engineering practice project is similar to a thesis project but smaller in scope and can be research, design, product development, special operations, or a critical review of published literature in a specific technical area. The final report for an engineering practice project is normally prepared in thesis format (i.e., according to the Graduate School, Guide to the Preparation of Theses and Dissertations); however, another formal report format may be used if approved by the student's graduate committee.?

The student must also register for the appropriate number of credit hours of either?NE 500?or?NE 598, as specified by the student's major professor, during each semester that work is performed on a thesis or engineering practice project. Finally, the student must pass an oral examination on all work presented for the degree (all course work and all projects).