• The Bachelor of Science with a major in Art Education leads to provisional teacher certification in grades pre-­kindergarten through 12 (P-­12). This program is based on the Comprehensive Arts Education model with a curriculum that includes study in the studio, art history, aesthetics, and art criticism. The art education program is aligned with the National Association of Schools of Art and Design, the National Visual Arts Standards, the Georgia Performance Standards for Fine Arts Education, the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation, and the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium.
  • The program provides students with a broad foundation in general education, extensive study in art, professional education, and field experiences. All art education majors are required to take studio art and art history course work in lower-­and-­upper division major requirements while taking upper-­division art education courses. This degree is listed as a Major in Art Education by the Bagwell College of Education and in the Education Preparation Provider.