Animal Science is also concerned with human food (meat, milk, eggs, etc.) produced from domesticated livestock species. The food processing industry is one of the largest industries in the U.S. In addition, Animal Science includes aspects of companion animals (horses, dogs, cats, etc.), including their nutrition, care, and welfare.

Below is a list of jobs available for qualified Animal Science students:

  • Allied animal industries such as feed and equipment manufacturers, artificial breeding associations, pharmaceutical firms, meat processors, and food distributors employ animal scientists in various technical, managerial, administrative, public relations, and sales positions.
  • Breeding and livestock marketing organizations employ animal scientists as field representatives, managers, consultants, market forecasters, and public relations specialists.
  • Extension educators with animal sciences training find professional teaching positions as state and area livestock specialists and county agricultural agents.
  • Food processors, meat packers, and related industries seek persons with meat science background for positions in management, product and process development, purchasing, quality assurance, technical and consumer services, advertising, and sales.
  • Formal training in the basic animal sciences provides essential background for professional careers in veterinary medicine.