Software engineering topics include requirements analysis, software design, and software verification and validation. Graduates will be qualified to analyze, design, and implement computer systems; manage software projects via planning, organization, scheduling, cost estimation, and process evaluation; and work in and lead teams that undertake all aspects of the software development process. The major core courses, electives, and project experience practicum provide further depth and an opportunity for specialization.Overview of ACS course requirementsStudents in the ACS concentration must complete 13 courses (37 credits) of graduate-level work. These courses include three software-engineering related courses (software systems engineering, software project management, and software design); four ACS-concentration specific courses (distributed systems, database design, verification and validation, and analysis of algorithms); two electives; and one of two four-course sequences of capstone courses:Project capstoneThe project capstone, the Software Development Project, is designed to develop practical skills in computer systems development. The sequence begins with Research Methods, in which students investigate an aspect of software development, relating their investigation to a real-world project of the department's choosing. In the three subsequent courses, a team of students, under the direction of a faculty member, gathers requirements, analyzes them, writes specifications, designs, implements, tests, and delivers a full system. Students choose a development process, manage the project scheduling and perform a project post-mortem to analyze their development process.Thesis capstoneThe thesis capstone is designed to develop the student's ability to pose and investigate a research-quality program in computing, and to report an investigation's results. The sequence begins with Research Methods, in which students write a literature survey for an area of interest and select a faculty thesis advisor. In the three subsequent courses, the student, in conjunction with that advisor, selects a topic, conducts the research, forms a committee, and writes and defends the thesis. Close cooperation with the faculty thesis advisor is required throughout the process.For a listing of theses completed by ETSU graduate students, please visit thesis topics.