• The M.B.A. degree is recognized as the key to success in both large and small organizations. It is suited to graduates in engineering, science, technology, health care, the liberal arts, and other non-business areas, as well as students with undergraduate degrees in business. The M.B.A. is a general, broad-based degree program that incorporates and integrates study of the organizational, financial, and operational management of organizations; the global economic, technological, and information environment; and the production and marketing of goods and services. Emphasis is given to the strategic view of the organization, teamwork, and effective problem solving.
  • Entering traditional M.B.A. students attend a one-day retreat at which they explore teamwork techniques and develop a shared vision of the program for presentation to faculty and program administrators.
  • M.B.A. students, with the approval by the Associate Dean for Graduate Studies in Business and Technology, may declare an emphasis in their program. Possible areas of emphasis include but are not limited to accountancy, finance, health care management, environmental management, marketing, public administration, and technology. Interested students should submit a proposal describing their desired emphasis no later than the semester in which they complete 21 semester credits of M.B.A. core coursework.