Mathematics Education Concentration:

Students planning to teach mathematics at the secondary level should choose this concentration. In addition, such students must complete professional education requirements for secondary education students.Mathematical Statistics Concentration: Students planning to pursue careers in industry or a field that utilizes statistics should choose this concentration.Computational Applied Mathematics Concentration: Students desiring a job in research or industry utilizing areas of mathematics other than statistics should choose this concentration.Mathematical Science Concentration: Students intending to pursue a graduate degree in mathematics should choose this concentration.A total of 120 hours is required to graduate with a B.S. in mathematics. A minor is not mandatory for students majoring in mathematics.The department of Mathematics and Statistics at ETSU is classified as a Natural Science Department.The Department of Mathematics and Statistics draws its strength from

  • A student population of stable size, with several good students;
  • The increasing quality of, and increasing faculty participation in, undergraduate research (which is mandatory for all majors);
  • The visibility that our extramural funding brings to the program;
  • A faculty that effectively manages to meet the demands of research, teaching, and service;
  • A policy of distributed administrative workloads and shared governance in the department;
  • Acknowledgment and support from the administration for all that we do; and our collegiality and action-oriented mindset allows us to work together, rapidly implementing change.