Geology is the study of the Earth as a whole, its processes, materials, history, and effect on life in general. Rocks, crystals, mountains, earthquakes, volcanoes, rivers, glaciers, landslides, floods, tsunamis, and many other subjects fall into its extensive field of research.As a geology graduate from ETSU, you will learn to perform a wide range of important services for our civilization: you will learn to determine the stability of building sites, find abundant supplies of clean water, search for valuable deposits of natural resources such as iron, coal, and oil, and also will try to minimize the threat to communities at risk from geologic hazards.Geology is highly field-oriented science that amalgamates with laboratory experiments and computer application. You will have a chance to visit remote places such as volcanic island, deserts, mountains, and beaches.With classes in both GIS and geology, graduates can attain entry-level jobs in many county, state, and federal level departments where urban planning and natural resource management issues are constant. A B.S. in geology also provides the graduate to be a well-informed citizen about the real concerns dealing with natural hazards such as flooding, rock falls, earthquakes, and tsunamis.Geology is a multi- disciplinary science that includes physics, astronomy, biology, chemistry, geography, agriculture, politics, planning and many other subjects.