Criminology and Criminal Justice is one of the most rapidly growing disciplines in higher education today. Public concerns about crime, and the dramatic expansion of the criminal justice system in recent decades, have spurred a proliferation of courses in this field in colleges across the country. Jobs that did not exist at all two decades ago -- such as victim advocates or police computer mapping specialists -- continue to develop.

There is a growing demand for persons with graduate level education in all sectors of the system. The Master of Science in Criminal Justice at UNF provides an opportunity for advanced academic work in this expanding field of study.

Furthermore, the program at UNF is vitally concerned with the interrelationship between theory, practice, and research, based on the firm conviction that none of these can stand alone.

Sound practice requires a firm theoretical and research base, while advances in theory and research arise from the realities of practice. The program emphasizes the acquisition of professional skills that will enable students to keep abreast of research and developments in the field long after they have completed their formal studies.