The ILOD Leadership core includes courses in Self-awareness and Interpersonal Development, Organizational Behavior and Change Management, Data-driven Decision-making, and Ethical Decision-making. In the leadership core, learners will gain a clear understanding of the following:

  • what they bring to the leadership relationship;
  • how groups and teams are formed and best function;
  • how people act in organizations and how to manage and guide change efforts;
  • how to leverage and make decisions about technology for organizational growth;
  • how human resource development principles and law operate in tandem;
  • the role and how to?s of effective coaching, mentoring and career development in the workplace.

The skills dimension of the ILOD concentration will empower learners to become effective consumers, examiners, and producers of research. Additionally, program participants will acquire knowledge of program evaluation and development, grant-writing and resource development, and adult learning principles and how these principles can be applied to leadership efforts in areas such as training and professional development. Effective communication is also a part of the Leadership and Learning skills set and addressed in all classes. A culminating capstone experience calls for a synthesis of the leadership core and skills dimension in a final project.