You might even find yourself in the?Behavioral Lab in JU's Davis College of Business building. Observe a focus group from behind mirrored glass, and learn what they really think about your idea or product!
The lab is just one example of how the business college's facility and applied focus inspire exciting learning opportunities for JU students. Through assignments and class projects, you'll have an opportunity to test your knowledge and practice your marketing skills. You'll develop analytical skills, plus learn about ethics, business communication and leadership as part of the core business curriculum. A?Marketing?degree?from JU is great preparation for careers in marketing, sales, advertising, public relations and more.
The courses in this major are designed to provide students with an understanding of professional practices and techniques applied in the major areas of marketing management.


Career Opportunities:

The?Marketing?Major?is intended to prepare students for entry-level positions in advertising, brand management, marketing research, retail management, and professional sales. Through careful planning, a student who elects a major in marketing may add a second major from a complementary area such as economics, management, international business, psychology, or other fields of interest.