As such, an English major is excellent preparation for the graduate study of literature and communication, for medical school, law school, and secondary education. It opens the way to many positions in government and private industry, including editing, technical writing, advertising, public relations, communication, sales, marketing, personnel management, systems engineering and programming. Within the major, in order to provide a firm foundation for more advance study later, students take four broad-range survey courses, preferably early in the program. Additionally, in order to acquire range and balance, majors take one course in the English language, chosen from Linguistics or Grammar. English majors are also required to take a varied selection from other English courses, including period surveys, literary genres, film, major figures, and writing courses.

Because of the wide diversity of offerings and the expectation that English majors should improve their intellectual background and flexibility, students are encouraged to broaden their experience with additional courses beyond the minimum required for the major.

The English major is offered as both a Bachelor of Arts degree and as a Bachelor of Science degree. English majors who choose to pursue the Bachelor of Arts degree (including those students matriculating to JU with the Asociate of Arts degree) must satisfy the University Core Curriculum Global Studies requirement by completing a foreign language through the 202 level.