The economics program combines the study of economic theory with a broad introductory look at business. Add in the soft skills acquired through classes in ethics, communication and leadership, and you have a degree like no other. The economics program also offers the practical business focus shared by all programs in the business college.?
Our economics students go beyond studying supply and demand curves. They study economic theory and learn how to apply those theories as they analyze and solve relevant business problems. They learn how economics affects our whole world ? from government and public policy, to banking, private industry, politics and labor relations.

Career Opportunities

The College of Business offers internship opportunities for students in all major areas of study, including economics. Internships allow students to expand their education and skills, receive exposure to real-life experiences, and enhance their career opportunities while earning academic credits. More than 50 local and/or national organizations sponsor internships for College of Business students.?
The economics program at JU is designed to prepare the student for research and management careers in business and government. Graduates have gone on to successful careers with American Airlines, Florida Blue, Mutual of New York, Drexel Burnham Lambert, Internal Revenue Service, and Prudential Securities.