The BIS curriculum teaches students effective strategies and techniques to analyze, design, and implement information systems to solve organizational problems effectively. This major provides students with the background they need to give informational support for decision-making in organizations and to understand the impact that information systems have on the business enterprise.

The BIS major combines the core business skills in the Davis College of Business and technology skills from the Department of Computing Science in order to create a graduate who can succeed in a technological career in a business environment. Students interested in BIS must possess strong quantitative skills as well as a passion for computers and technology.

Career Opportunities

Career options for Business Information Systems majors are quite diverse. A blend of business and technical knowledge is required to be successful in an ever-changing business environment. A more diversely educated multidiscipline BIS major that can apply their computing knowledge across a variety of business disciplines, including the ability to take advantage of corporate management opportunities in and outside of IT that lead to senior level management or executive positions.