The field of accounting is often divided into two parts: financial and managerial. Financial accounting is concerned with reporting the results of the operations and financial position of a business firm to those both inside and outside of the management of the firm, including stockholders. Managerial accounting deals with the techniques, controls, systems, and reports used internally by the managers of an organization.

The accounting curriculum at Jacksonville University is designed to provide a foundation for entry into either the financial or managerial areas of accounting. A license as a CPA for the financial accountant, a CMA for the managerial accountant, or a CIA for the internal auditor are the frequent goals of an accounting student.

Accounting students also become excellent candidates for management positions in such areas a banking, investment houses, and brokerage firms.

Career Opportunities:

The accounting program at JU provides the basic foundations for entry-level positions in accounting, finance, or administration in business or government. Graduates have gone on to successful careers with the PGA Tour, Merrill Lynch, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte & Touche, the City of Jacksonville, Continental Insurance, AT&T, American Transtech and the U.S. Government Accountability Office.