• Much of mathematics has its roots in science but the spirit of mathematical inquiry is not bound to any specific area. Mathematics is an important discipline for every educated person.
  • All students at the university are therefore required to study some mathematics.
  • The goal of the requirement is to strengthen the student's imaginative and deductive powers through the discipline imposed by rigorous mathematical thinking.
  • The precise use of language and logic characteristic of mathematics is developed in the courses which the student may select to meet the core requirement.
  • There are many areas of mathematics from which the student may choose.
  • Each of these areas deals with profound ideas that play an important part in our culture.
  • The courses in Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometry and Linear Point Set Theory are designed explicitly for this purpose.
  • In certain circumstances Calculus I, II, and Linear Algebra also serve the purpose of the core requirement, as do the other more advanced courses in the Department.