• The MS program in software engineering at UC Irvine is aimed at students with a computer science or bachelor’s degree, who may or may not have been out in the workforce already, and who seek to build a strong background in software engineering.
  • Students who do not have a CS degree, but have experience in the industry and wish to expand their skills, are also welcome.
  • The program is designed around a set of core courses that introduces the fundamentals of software engineering, followed by a broader range of courses through which students can choose to focus their learning.
  • Students could choose to augment their core with more computer science-oriented courses (e.g., network and distributed systems security, next-generation search systems), data science courses (e.g., machine learning, data mining), end-user oriented courses (e.g., user interface design and evaluation, ubiquitous computing and interaction), or advanced software engineering courses (e.g., requirements engineering and specification, software environments).