To satisfy the exam requirements, students may take the Core Assessment Exams (offered in the Spring of every year), the Comprehensive Exams (offered in the Spring of every year and described below), or the Qualifying Exams (offered before the start of the fall quarter) in Real Analysis, Complex Analysis and Algebra. Students may not attempt to take an exam in a particular subject area more than 3 times.

Some students may require additional background prior to entering Math 210 and 230. This will be determined by assessment prior to the start of the students’ first year by the Vice Chair for Graduate Studies, upon consultation with the graduate studies committee. Such students will be directed into Math 205 and/or Math 206 during their first year. These students may pass one Comprehensive Exam in the areas of Algebra or Analysis in lieu of achieving a M.S. pass on one Qualifying Exam that must be obtained prior to the start of the students’ second year. Comprehensive Exams in Analysis and Algebra will be offered once per year in the Spring quarter.

The total number of required courses for the M.S. degree is 12, completed with satisfactory performance. Students are required to complete at least one series of the following courses: Mathematics 210A-B-C, 220A-B-C, or 230A-B-C. At most one undergraduate course may count as an elective course, provided it is sponsored by rank faculty and approved by the Graduate Advisor. At most one elective course (at least three units) is allowed outside the Department.