The program provides advanced training in both biotechnology and business management, thereby allowing graduates the flexibility to pursue careers as scientists, as managers, or as both.

The Biotechnology Management degree will prepare scientists for leadership roles in biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and biomedical device based companies, through a curriculum comprised of courses in biotechnology, management, and biomedical engineering. Several courses will be delivered collaboratively by faculty members in biological sciences, engineering and management.

Students will receive advanced training in biotechnology through coursework, a teaching laboratory, and two quarters of independent research in a faculty laboratory of their choosing. They will learn to think as a business manager by solving product development challenges through consulting projects, creating business plans and by exposure to current issues within the biotechnology sector. Developing quantitative and qualitative skills along with business communication skills will be emphasized. Our students will learn about business from the biotechnology perspective and biotechnology from the business perspective, and will be taught to think about their work through the lens of innovation, a crucial view for their careers. Of particular note, students will take their science courses with MS and PhD students from several different programs, and they will take MBA management-level courses with MS and MBA students currently enrolled in Merage programs.