• The Master of Embedded & Cyber-physical Systems (MECPS) was designed by a group of faculty from the Henry Samueli School of Engineering (HSSoE) and the Donald Bren School of Information & Computer Science (DBSICS). The curriculum focuses on Embedded and Cyber-physical Systems.
  • Embedded computer systems are now entrenched into almost every aspect of our daily life, rivaling in ubiquity anything that exists today. Currently, we have tools to help us design embedded systems, making good use of available technologies at a variety of levels and scales, from hardware to interface, operating system, middleware, and software.  The MECPS program is designed to integrate all of these aspects.
  • Cyber-physical systems grow in scale, complexity, and integration levels, there is a need to move toward a science of embedded systems, addressing the foundational aspects of design. Now that engineers have a better understanding of the basics of embedded systems, it is equally important to branch out to the application of such systems. This requires addressing domain-specific issues and the scale-up in complexity introduced by what is referred to today as cyber-physical systems.