M.S. students must demonstrate minimal proficiency in biochemistry, and analytical, inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry by passing specific examinations or by enrolling in suitable core courses. This requirement must be completed by the end of the second year of enrollment. A g.p.a. of at least 3.00 is required for admission to the master's examination.

One of our primary goals is to train students to become independent scientists, so our students actively engage in research with our faculty members their first year of graduate studies. We also offer a wide range of advanced coursework to provide the foundational knowledge that will enhance their efforts in the laboratory. Graduate students are supported through research assistantships with individual faculty members, departmental teaching assistantships, and numerous awards and fellowship opportunities. We also have internship opportunities, teacher training sessions, graduate student institutes to guide outreach and engagement, and career development workshops to help decrease time to degree and improve job placement.