The study of marketing concerns itself with all activities related to the marketing and distribution of goods and services, from producers to consumers. The goal of the department is to make strong contributions to marketing practice and marketing theory with innovative teaching, cutting-edge research, and active community outreach. The marketing curriculum provides a broad foundation in marketing concepts along with opportunities to specialize in areas of vocational interests. The department utilizes multiple teaching methods, including experiential learning, research experiences, case analyses, online and face-to-face classroom training to prepare students to solve a variety of marketing problems that arise in our increasingly complex global economy.

Several decades ago, the study of marketing dealt almost exclusively with business activities involved in the flow of goods from production to consumption. Today it includes principles that are more widely applicable; they are as relevant to the success of arts, sports, and social programs as they are to firms selling goods and services. A major in marketing includes study in the behavioral sciences, communications, statistical analysis, and computer methods as well as marketing decision making.

Graduates find employment opportunities as market analysts, merchandise managers, buyers, purchasing agents, advertising managers, brand managers, and sales representatives in a variety of for-profit and nonprofit organizations.