The Bachelor of Arts with a major in environmental policy and planning requires a minimum of 120 s.h., including at least 43-49 s.h. of work for the major. Credit required for the major depends on a student's choice of track. Students must maintain a g.p.a. of at least 2.00 in all courses for the major and in all UI courses for the major. They also must complete the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences General Education Program. Transfer students must complete at least 21 s.h. of work for the major in residence at the University of Iowa.

The environmental policy and planning major is interdisciplinary; it draws courses from geographical and sustainability sciences, anthropology, economics, political science, and other disciplines. Work for the major includes introductory courses, methods courses, intermediate courses, and one of two tracks: the planning track or the policy track.

Students who earn a second major in anthropology, geography, or political science must complete a minimum of 12 s.h. of course work in the second major that they do not also count toward the major in environmental policy and planning. The 12 s.h. of courses must be offered by the second major's administrative home: anthropology (prefix ANTH), geographical and sustainability sciences (prefix GEOG), or political science (prefix POLI). This requirement applies whether students earn the same degree (B.A. or B.S.) with both majors or earn a B.A. with one major and a B.S. with the other. However, honors students in environmental policy and planning may count their honors thesis credit toward this 12 s.h. requirement.