The Ph.D. program is oriented toward applied, interdisciplinary research and scholarly inquiry. Students develop mastery of theories and research methodologies necessary to study the complex American health system. They work closely with faculty mentors on research projects and develop research design and methodology skills through course work and an apprenticeship model of training.

Individual plans of study allow students to prepare for specific careers, and small class size encourages frequent student-faculty interaction, including participation in research projects as well as scholarly publications.

The Ph.D. in health services and policy has three focus areas: health economics, health management and organization, or health policy. Admitted students may not change focus areas unless they are formally reviewed and accepted to the new area. Students work with a faculty advisor and a mentorship team of faculty members from their focus area; the advisor and mentorship team participate in initial planning with a student during orientation and in annual professional development reviews. Students conduct required independent study and thesis research in their focus area; their comprehensive exam and dissertation committees include faculty members from their focus area.