The Doctor of Philosophy program in epidemiology requires a minimum of 78 s.h. of graduate credit. Graduate students in epidemiology must maintain a g.p.a. of at least 3.00. Those who receive a grade of C in 7 s.h. of course work may be dismissed from the program.

All doctoral students must successfully complete a qualifying examination, a comprehensive examination, a dissertation prospectus, and a dissertation. The research topic and content, which vary depending on the program of study, must be approved by the student's dissertation committee. Other degree requirements include approved electives chosen from Department of Epidemiology courses (prefix EPID) and other University of Iowa courses.

Students are required to attend 80 percent of all Department of Epidemiology seminar meetings and journal club meetings for five semesters; attendance during a student's enrollment in the M.S. program does not count toward this requirement. Students also must present a departmental seminar on their dissertation research and an oral presentation or scientific poster presentation at an international, national, regional, state, or University level before they may graduate.