And because UIndy is situated in a hub of community health activity, you’ll have the opportunity to learn directly from practitioners in hospitals, clinics, wellness centers and other worksites. In whichever setting you prefer, you’ll have the knowledge and skills to carry out organized missions for weight management, disease and illness prevention, proper nutrition and exercise. Interested to learn more about the roles and various work settings of health education specialists? Potential careers in public health education:

Being a public health education & promotion major opens up a variety of career options. Put your degree to work in various sectors of health education, such as :

  • Public: Work with government agencies or healthcare providers to administer state-mandated programs and health policy changes that lead to better public health. 
  • Non-profit:  Concentrate on delivering health resources and programs to targeted populations. 
  • Academic: Work in research positions or further your education to teach students in community or public health education majors.
  • Private: Contribute to community health education through roles in health insurance, consulting, worksite wellness, nutrition and others.