The periodontics graduate program at Indiana University School of Dentistry has been developed so that upon completion the student will have attained the following:

  • Competence in all diagnostic, preventive and treatment procedures currently employed in periodontics.
  • The didactic knowledge, as well as the diagnostic, treatment, and maintenance skills necessary for successful completion of the American Board of Periodontology examination.
  • Successful completion of all requirements for the Master of Science in Dentistry (MSD) and the Clinical Certificate in Periodontics.
  • The knowledge and skills necessary for successful clinical practice, or a position in academics or research.

This program is 36 months in length.

During the first year, students receive the major part of the didactic training, and learn to employ all of the diagnostic and therapeutic techniques employed in clinical periodontics on the patients assigned to them at the beginning of the program. They are encouraged to utilize a variety of techniques rather than to follow a single method of treatment. In consultation with faculty advisors, the first year student also selects a research project for the thesis, chooses his/her thesis committee and develops the review of literature section and the research protocol for approval by the research committee. Both research and clinical experience are enhanced by in-depth review of both current and topical periodontal literature.