Improving philanthropy to improve the worldThe IU Lilly Family School of Philanthropy is globally recognized as the first of its kind. School faculty and staff train and empower students and practitioners to innovate, lead, and create positive and lasting change in the world.We’ll give you the knowledge and understanding you need to be innovators and leaders. You’ll have opportunities to complete an internship or to study abroad. And you’ll graduate prepared for a meaningful career in the nonprofit sector.Make your passion your professionMake your passion your profession with an undergraduate degree from the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy. The first school in the world to offer a Bachelor of Arts in Philanthropic Studies degree. Doors will open for you when you graduate, whether you’re interested in a career with a nonprofit organization or want to go on to graduate school.Discover the world’s first school of philanthropyThe curriculum explores the “whys” of giving and volunteering as well as the “how-to” of working within nonprofit organizationsAs a student you will:

  • Prepare to be a dynamic, innovative, and reflective leader in philanthropy and the nonprofit sector
  • Gain broad insights and practical skills about philanthropy
  • Explore interactions between public, private, and nonprofit sectors
  • Engage in ground-breaking research on philanthropy