The thesis option allows students to gain experience in the design and implementation of research within the field of exercise science.

The non-thesis option allows students to gain experience through internships in the workplace in a variety of settings including hospitals, wellness centers, and corporate and community based fitness facilities.

Graduation from this program will provide students with the necessary preparation for certification from organizations including the American College of Sports Medicine, the National Strength and Conditioning Association, and the National Academy of Sports Medicine.


  • The program allows you to choose from two newly revised concentrations, Clinical/Research and a new Strength and Conditioning concentration.
  • Both concentrations allow you to select a thesis or non-thesis option.
  • Coursework from this program provides students with the necessary preparation for certifications from ACSM, NSCA and NASM.
  • Quality internships are an integral part of the curriculum.
  • Assistantship opportunities are available on a competitive basis every year.