As a disability services major at IUP, you?ll learn about the challenges faced by people who live with disabilities. You?ll also learn ways you can help people with disabilities rise to their challenges and reach their goals.

Among the classes you will take are Methods of Teaching Reading to Persons with Disabilities, Introduction to American Sign Language, Transition for Youth with Disabilities, Educational Psychology, and Education of Persons with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders, Learning Disabilities, or Brain Injury.

A required internship will give you hands-on experience. This major also has 23 credits of free electives that make it possible to add a minor. Recommended minors include child and family studies, educational psychology, sociology, or psychology. Through their choice of minor, students can become involved in a variety of organizations focused on child and family studies, educational psychology, sociology, or psychology, or prepare for advanced study leading to a master?s degree.