• Students can choose a specific track to focus their studies on within the social sciences, including psychology, sociology or political science.
  • The Psychology track gives students the opportunity to study behavior and mental processes, as well as the study of intelligence, language acquisition, and human development across the life span. In combination with the breadth of interdisciplinary curricula across Stevens, several of our students have gone on to study medicine, become researchers in neuroscience, or have careers in business, industrial organization, school counseling and clinical psychology. At the B.A. level, students may find work in government agencies, like child welfare, or in non-governmental agencies.
  • Focusing in Sociology allows students to learn about issues from social relationships and interactions (microsociology) to social institutions and organizations (macrosociology) as well as the connection between the two. The sociology track is is a good foundation for graduate studies in sociology, social psychology and related fields. In addition, sociology graduates may find work in government agencies, non-profit organizations, social service agencies, and educational institutions. They can also go on to plan careers in law, social welfare, education,public health, market research, public relations, management, and human resources.