A major in philosophy allows you to explore and reflect on important questions about your self, society, other disciplines, and the world at large. What am I? What makes me and others morally responsible? What does it mean to be a good person and a good citizen? What can science tell us about reality? What is art and what does it mean to be creative? Whether you become a scientist, an educator, an accountant, a lawyer, or a nurse, becoming philosophical about what you do makes you better at it and come to appreciate it more.

Why Philosophy?

Philosophy is considered a good major for students interested in business, education, government, the non-profit sector, technical writing, the health professions (administrators or practitioners), ethics consulting, the law or theology because our courses promote the ability to:

  • Think and communicate clearly
  • Organize ideas and issues
  • Articulate and solve problems
  • Assess the pros and cons of issues
  • Analyze complex data