• Two graduate options are available in Communication, the Thesis option and the Research Report option.
  • Students with an inadequate background in the field of communication are required to take leveling undergraduate coursework which does not apply to the hours necessary to complete the graduate program of study.
  • Thesis Option: 
    • Students complete a minimum of 30 hours. All thesis candidates complete a 15-hour core as part of the program of study.
    • Students are required to write a four-hour comprehensive examination after the completion of their coursework.
    • Upon completion of the thesis, the students orally defend the thesis to their graduate committee.
  • Research Option:
    • Students complete a minimum of 32 hours of coursework.
    • All research report candidates complete a 12-hour core as part of their program of study.
    • A research paper is filed in the Department of Communication Studies office.
    • Students following this plan are required to write an eight-hour comprehensive examination after the completion of their coursework.