• Since 1910, The University of Southern Mississippi has served as the flagship for teacher education in our state. Our professors are highly respected as leaders in research and service as it relates to preparing future teachers, and our graduates hold teaching positions across the globe. We are proud and confident because of the foundation they received at Southern Miss
    • The Professional Education Unit at The University of Southern Mississippi is accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE).
    Student Learning Outcomes / Program Objectives
    • Candidates will demonstrate a special education content knowledge.
    • Special Education Teacher Candidates will demonstrate a special education pedagogical knowledge.
    • Special Education Teacher Candidates will use assessment information to plan differentiated experiences that accommodate differences in developmental and/or educational needs.
    • Teacher Candidates will impact student learning by integrating technology effectively in instruction.
    • Special Education Teacher Candidates will use family and/or community resources (human or material) in lessons to enhance student learning