The growing demand for legal services has placed great stress on attorneys to provide efficient and effective legal assistance. Paralegals, who as non-lawyers are legally restricted from practicing law, assist attorneys in meeting this demand and aid in delivering legal services more efficiently and economically.Career opportunities for paralegals exist in private law firms, government offices, and businesses such as banks, corporations, and insurance companies. Law libraries, paralegal education and freelance paralegal work provide additional career opportunities for paralegals.
Student Learning Outcomes / Program Objectives

  • Students will demonstrate the ability to research a legal issue resulting in a legal memorandum that correctly cites legal authorities
  • Students will demonstrate the ability to draft basic legal documents, including correspondence, basic pleadings, interrogatories, and a research memorandum.
  • Students will demonstrate familiarity with the ethical rules for paralegals and attorneys and will be able to locate and research the ethical rules and guidelines for paralegals and attorneys.
  • Students will demonstrate the ability to identify and resolve ethical dilemmas that may be confronted in the workplace.
  • Students will be prepared to enter the job market in the legal profession.