Students need 124 hours to graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics. Both the Hattiesburg and Gulf Park campuses offer this degree program.Students are required to take 33 hours of mathematics courses, 18 hours of courses from the required minor and a three-hour computer science course. These, together with GEC courses, prepare students for advanced study in mathematics, in other sciences or for technical opportunities in industry.Student Learning Outcomes / Program Objectives

  • Students should possess an understanding of the breadth of the mathematical sciences and their deep interconnecting principles; an awareness of the abstract nature of theoretical mathematics and the ability to write proofs; and an in-depth understanding of at least one subject in mathematics.
  • Students will learn the fundamental logic needed for deductive reasoning and will construct proofs of elementary theorems using quantifiers, indirect and direct proofs, and mathematical induction.
  • Students should be mathematically conversant.
  • Students should understand theory and applications of calculus.
  • Students should be able to write computer programs in a high level language using appropriate data structure to solve mathematical problems. Students should be able to create and document algorithms. Students should be able to use the computer for simulation and visualization of mathematical ideas and processes.
  • The program prepares students for employment and/or graduate school.