Graphic and digital design at Hastings College is centered in the Department of Visual Arts. Here, you?ll work with engaged faculty who geek out over everything from fonts and typography to the use of color that sends a message ? and the role of good design in everything from web and digital to video production?and print.

Building your skills

The depth and expertise of faculty in our Department of Visual Arts help you develop your eye for graphic design. You?ll simply learn to see what others don?t, and understand why some elements work well together, and why others may send the wrong subliminal message. In the end, it?s about visual story telling and having the design match the message.

Hands-on experience through our Center for Applied Media Arts and internships get you ready?to impress future employers with your skills and design portfolio. Students focusing on graphic design see opportunities in a number of career paths, including advertising agencies, small and large businesses, illustrators, marketing offices, print and television media, video production companies and as working artists.