Political Science is the study of politics: government, law, political behavior, public policy, and political philosophy. The Department has a curriculum designed primarily to provide broad modern training in the study of political institutions and political behavior for students in the liberal arts and majors planning graduate work. It also affords pre-professional training for law, business, public relations, or work in the mass media, domestic and foreign government service, teaching, the military, and a variety of active roles in politics.

The mission of the Department of Political Science and History is to provide general education courses in History to the entire student body, and to educate its majors to the central role politics and histroy play in all societies. Implicit in the department mission is the notion that the creation of well-informed, responsible, mature and critical thinking citizens who participate in the public arena is appropriate and necessary. The department encourges and emphasizes to its students the need to be "responsible to the social, economic and moral problems affecting our society."