Southeastern's Special Education graduate program prepares leaders in the field with an emphasis on extended knowledge of theory and application of theory in schools, communities and family settings. Students develop the ability to provide professional services and leadership in schools, school districts and professional organizations. In the program, students receive intensive study in their selected areas of concentration. Students gain the knowledge, skills and dispositions needed to have a positive impact on student achievement.

  • Accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation / National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and the Council for Exceptional Children

  • Course objectives and learner outcomes aligned with the COMPASS/Louisiana Components of Effective Teaching, the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, Learned Societies and the College of Education Conceptual Framework

  • Lekotek, a toy lending library with child and family support, offers pedagogical experiences for students and opportunities for collaboration with schools and community groups