We?ll teach you the comprehensive skills necessary to manage money wisely and pursue a career in corporate, personal finance or the banking industry. You?ll also acquire hands-on experience working in our Terry W. Goodwin ?67 Financial Technology Center, where you can conduct trading simulations, develop financial models and analyze real-time economic data.

And to gain further practical knowledge, you?ll have internship opportunities as well as a chance to participate in the $1.6 million Student Managed Portfolio, an investment portfolio managed exclusively by you and your fellow students. Our finance program?s curriculum additionally covers much of the material required by the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) Institute?s Level I exam.

If you?re interested in exploring extracurricular opportunities related to finance, you can join Quinnipiac?s student Investment Club or the Economics/Finance Club, both of which host speakers, sponsor investment challenges and take field trips that help develop crucial networking and leadership skills. ?

Our finance program?s curriculum meets the highest standards required by the finance world, and covers material required by the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) Institute?s Level I exam.

Thanks to a special University Affiliation with the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) Institute, you?ll have access to the kinds of resources utilized by veteran investment management professionals. Whether or not you are interested in pursuing chartered financial analyst designation in the future, these resources advance your knowledge of the standards, principles and practices of the field.