
investigation of theory, research, practice and Christian vision for shalom, candidates will explorehow to support administrators, teachers, families, and community stakeholders in designing,implementing, evaluating, and sustaining transformative school programs and classroom practices.Guided by a commitment to equity, excellence, and justice, Inclusion Specialists will work withothers to empower a wide range of students with identified disabilities, cultural differences, andunique capacities.The Inclusion Specialist Concentration offers two emphases, Inclusive School Programs andInclusive Classroom Practices. The Inclusive School Programs emphasis provides knowledge andskills in leadership of school-wide policies, programs, and practices that include and enfold allmembers in learning communities. The Inclusive Classroom Practices emphasis explores classroomteaching strategies, curriculum, and culturally responsive pedagog

  • Inclusive education
  • Literacy
  • Educational leadership
  • Curriculum and instruction
  • Science education

The degree program is flexible, allowing you to specialize in any relevant area of study. We also offer five formal concentrations: