Biochemistry students gain a unique perspective on the composition, properties, andreactivity of the substancessurrounding them, especially in the biological world.Through advanced coursework in chemistry and biology they achieve insight into thechemistry of biological systems and the structural basis of life. Students gainproblem-solving skills that can be applied in chemistry and biology labs, in otherclasses, and in daily life. Biochemistry majors have the opportunity to interact withprofessors from a diversity of chemistry and biology backgrounds, and students areprovided with a wide variety of research opportunities. Through research, studentscan explore advanced chemistry and biology topics, develop newscientificprocedures, and make scientific discoveries. In addition, biochemistry students aretrained to independently use modern instrumentation including a 300 MHz NMR,liquid chromatography, mass spectrometer, thermocyclers for DNA replication, and aconfocalmicroscope.