Geological engineering encompasses:
- exploration and extraction of mineral and energy resources;
- geomechanics/geotechnics;
- hydrogeology and water resources;
- reclamation and contaminant remediation;
- environmental site assessment; and
- natural hazard investigation.
These areas of expertise incorporate geology with elements of civil, environmental, mining, and petroleum engineering. To meet these demands, the curriculum contains a broad background in physical and social sciences, humanities, communications, mathematics, geology, and engineering. Opportunities are available in cooperative work experiences and internships. Our four-year program leads to a Bachelor of Science in Geological Engineering. The program culminates with a capstone senior design project tailored for individual students, or, if appropriate, teams of students. Our program has the following educational objectives for its graduates:
Program graduates shall be able to pursue satisfying careers in geological engineering or related fields that contribute to the well-being of society.
As professionals, program graduates shall enhance productivity through technical innovations, improve communication skills, and acquire new knowledge, including licensure if it is required to accomplish their goals.